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Generating Leads has been both the biggest desire and challenge for business owners.

Capturing Quality Leads

Every business owner wants to generate a ton of leads, however, only a few actually know how. Once a business owner or entrepreneur finally decides to just hire an Internet Marketer, that is when he or she will dominate the web! Marketers understand and know how to generate leads, build email lists, and automate emails.

List Segmentation

List Segmentation is the process of dividing your list into smaller segments so that you can accurately target and interact with your audience. For example, let’s say you sell jewelry. It is considered bad practice to send marketing promotions to one list that is containing all your subscribers. The best marketing strategy involves separating the list into multiple segments and targeting each segment with relevant content/promotions:

  • Bracelet
  • Necklace
  • Ring
  • Earrings

When you divide your list into smaller precise segments you can now send automated  “relevant” email promotions/reminders. This method will drastically increase engagement and sales because you are now marketing and promoting bracelet products to subscribers that is particularly interested in bracelets rather than potential subscribers that are probably only interested in necklaces, rings, or earrings.

Automated Marketing

Automated Marketing is the process of sending a sequence of automated email promotions or reminders to subscribers.

What are the benefits of automated marketing?


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