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Split Testing is the process of testing multiple landing pages in order to determine which one performs the best according to its conversion rates!

Why Do You Need To Split Test?

If you are unsure whether or not your website needs a redesign or upgrade, split testing will provide the perfect opportunity.

In order to know what works, you need to know what isn’t working! Designing multiple landing pages that are uniquely different and split testing them will give you an idea of the type of design and functionality your website and/or landing page need to incorporate in order to sustain a high conversion rate. Basically, your visitors will reveal which features and design layouts they prefer based on whether or not they are signing up.

Google Analytics & Performance Reports

Using analytics from Google or other analytics software will provide valuable insight about the performance of your website/landing page.

Using Google Analytics to track your website’s performance is a great way to realize which features, pages, and layouts are working best. Google Analytics will tell you exactly how many visitors are visiting your site, how long they are on each page, and how many visitors are signing up or making purchases.

Google Analytics can be used to test and monitor multiple websites at once. It is considered best practices to monitor performance daily, compare results after each month, and develop a strategy for making improvements.

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