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Smush Pro $19.99/month

It’s Smushing Time!

WP Smush Pro, for her friends just Smush, helps you take up the fight against the evil band of milliseconds, affecting everybody’s loading time. Why do you need to partake in this never-ending war? Because the fewer milliseconds are left lurking out there, the higher is your site ranked. Join our fight today!

Smush’s automagic

Smush will help you automatically fight those milliseconds which are holding you back from getting ranked higher by search engines. Smush will optimize your images, removing useless data from them, saving you space, that also improves the speed of your site.

Smush’s precision targeting

Choose individual images that you suspect to be potentially working together with the evil band of milliseconds and get them smushed right away. You can also let Smush do her bulk-smush magic on your entire image library, to make sure that you don’t miss any opportunity for fighting those milliseconds.

Go compress ’em Smush!

Compress your huge image files by using the dedicated super speed servers. By having Smush use her Super Smush move, you can compress your images up to 10 times more than lossless. Smush will also remember everything, keeping unsmushed backups of your images, letting you restore your original images anytime.

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