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352 Travel Club

The owner of 352 Travel Club contacted us regarding a professional, clean and simple website which will allow Gainesville residents to register for exciting trips. They insisted that the overall purpose of this new website is to provide exciting opportunities for Gainesville residents to take affordable weekend trips.

We realized that people do not enjoy having to take care of travel expenses: driving, book hotels and that became our conversion factor, to take care of their traveling expenses. Therefore, we decided that a great way to increase conversions is to offer suitable services such as a luxury charter bus so that everyone can relax and enjoy their mini vacation.

Our Approach

This website includes registration forms and we use Aweber to send friendly reminders. We also incorporated a stripe checkout system in which registrars can make payments accordingly. Overall, this website is straightforward and we’ve been seeing 4-10 signups a month!


Helped Over One Hundred Clients

Website Design for Boat Touring